The Perfect On

Residência Paulo Reis – Ateliê Fidalga Sâo Paulo.

Curator: Ángel Calvo Ulloa


The Perfect On Cirlot

Video 1h30min.


João bandeira (Rio de Janeiro, 1960) counts all the words of Cordero del Abismo, poems of Juan Eduardo Cirlot (Barcelona 1916-1973).


João Bandeira (Rio de Janeiro, 1960) cuenta todas las palabras de Cordero del Abismo, poemário de Juan Eduardo Cirlot (Barcelona 1916-1973).


The Perfect On Cirlot

Video 1h30min.


The Perfect On Cirlot

Video 1h30min.

The Perfect On


Doblar una superficie de papel con el talón de un pié.

Fold the surface of a paper with the heel of a foot.


The Perfect On

Exhibition view.

The Perfect On

Exhibition view.
